Novelty & Habit September Through November 1996

The Timewave over the next three months shows a moderate return to habit after the record levels of novelty experienced during the summer. We are now slowly returning to habit after the most novel period of the entire decade of the 90's. The novelty plunge of the spring and the trough of ultra-novelty which followed it and culminated in the discovery of extraterrestrial life are now fading. But not before they brought among other wonders, the completion of the mapping of the human genome, an unpredicted comet, brightest since 1558, and a powerful challenge to Novelty Theory itself. What lies ahead is a gradual assertion of habit which reverses itself very near the American Presidential and Congressional election. At that point novelty begins to intensify as the wave dips toward lower levels, but levels still less intense than the record levels attained during the summer months.

Late breaking Novelty, Alerts, Breakthroughs and Deaths.

Announcing a new mailing list, Novelty, to discuss Novelty Theory, the Timewave, 2012 etc. To subscribe, send email to with the following message: subscribe novelty Firstname Lastname. You will receive instructions by auto-reply. To post messages to the list, send them to

The Archive of Past Novelty Reports:

More about Novelty Theory.

Including criticism of Novelty Theory

Time Wave Zero Advanced with sixty page manual for the Mac or DOS platform can be ordered from Blue Water Publishing.

There is also a German language version of the MS-DOS flavor of Timewave Zero with manual. Send e mail to Dieter for more information.

Go Hyperborea.
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