Novelty & Habit in November '95

The November novelty situation offers an unusual opportunity to examine the claims of Novelty Theory. The local novelty maxima on the 22nd is not only dramatic but it is a resonance/anticipation of the much larger plunge of similer topology that begins next Februrary and shapes all of 1996. 1996 has certain similaries to the period 1928-1929 and 1940-41. Hence we will be watching Nov. 22, 1995 for, among other things,a stock market blip, such a blip would argue that the plunge in '96 may include a stock crash. Events of 21-22 Nov should offer a micro model of the 1996 Novelty plunge.

Late breaking Novelty, Alerts and Breakthroughs.

The Archive of Past Novelty Reports:

More about Novelty Theory.

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