Entheobotany Seminars presents -

The Ethnobotany and Chemistry
of Psychoactive Plants
Two 7 day courses; Feb 12 to Feb 18, 2000 and Feb 21 until Feb 27, 2000
Site: Very nice hotel near Palenque, Mexico (1 hour from Villa Hermosa)
$1300/person fee includes hotel (double occ.) & meals (not transportation)- Botany, chemistry & cultivation of psychoactive plants.
- History of ethnopharmacology & ethnomycology
- New data on hallucinogenic snuff cults
- Field techniques for collecting ethnobotanical specimens
- Plant teachers of Amazonian shamanism; modern ayahuasca cults
- Uses and preparation of entheogenic plants; ayahuasca analogs
- Ethnobotany, chemistry and cultivation of entheogenic fungi
- Field trip to the Palenque Archaeology site.
Palenque must be seen to be appreciated. To get aquainted with the place
take a virtual look around.
Regular faculty:
- Jonathan Ott, noted author of Pharmacotheon, Ayahuasca
Analogs, many others; chemist, researcher, & ethnobotanist.
- Rob Montgomery, Botanical Preservation Corps founder, field ethnobotany expert,
manager of exotic/entheogenic plant business.
- Ken Symington, ayahuasca & entheogen expert, translator of
The Three Halves of Ino Moxo; also Entheobotany Seminars registar.
- Terence McKenna, noted author of "Food of the Gods", "True Hallucinations", scholar, researcher,
lecturer; and great story-teller.
Invited Instructors:
- Lester Grinspoon, Assoc. Prof of Psychology Harvard Medical School, author of
"Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered" and "Marijuana, the Forbidden Medicine" (1993).
- Claudia Muller-Ebeling, Art historian and ethnobotanist, editor of the German magazine
Dao and an expert on aphrodiaiacs.
- Christian Ratsch, Germany's leading expert on plant hallucinogens, author of
"The Gateway to Inner Space" and numerous works in botany and ethnography.
- Alexander (Sasha) & Ann Shulgin, noted authors of PIHKAL and TIKAL,
Sascha is the creator of hundreds of novel psychedelic compounds,
Ann is a renowned psychotherapist.
- Manuel Torres, Archeologist, art historian and expert on ancient snuff use in the Americas.
- Paul Stamets, Mycologist and author of "The Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World" and
numerous other works of mycology.
- Christian Ratsch, German anthropologist, author and expert on the Lacandon Indians of Chiapas.
- Giorgio Samorini, Italian ethnobotanist, author, and expert on the entheobotany of
Tabernanthe iboga.
Believe me, there is nothing like spending a week with these
people, not to mention the many very interesting attendees!
Note: format is lecture/discussion with a few field trips; this is
not a place to experience plant (or other) materials directly, at
least not as part of the formal seminar. There is room for 100
attendees per session, and it can fill up.
To get the full flyer, or registration info, contact the Registrar and give him your postal mailing address:
Entheobotany Seminars
PO Box 4
Sierra Madre, CA 91025-0004
phone:(626) 355-9585
or fax: (626) 355-1758
For questions, e mail EntheoTrip or call the number above.
Go Hyperborea.