ANNE ELLIOTT presents Anne Elliott, the all new Gregorian Chant. Punk classicism, wherefore art thou pierced? Straight through the cerebrum, that's the Elliottic goal. Once there was a gang of five, the Pussy Poets were their name, and Anne Elliott appeared at that pulsing point were the poem and the perfing of that poem generated a new poem. Far beyond the speed of lite, she gets heavy without weighing you down. Pressed into action like a pair of pants.
Poemfone: Nibble on Anne Elliott
Pussy Links
- Poemfone: Nibble on Anne Elliott
- An Evening of Word Association: Small Knitting Factory announcement on a reading by Nicole Blackman, Anne Elliott, Hal Sirowitz, and M. Doughty, and others, posted only because the Ink feels this may have been the coolest spoken word reading the continent of North America has ever witnessed.
Thus Related to the Clause
- Urban American Princess Hour is the premier information and entertainment source for women 16-34 who suffer from an above-average level of fabulousness in their lives. Hosted by former founding member of the performance collective Pussy Poets, Janice "the Girl Bomb" Erlbaum.