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Newsletter No. 12 of alchemy and hermetic books

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NEWSLETTER No 12 - November 1997

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The Complete Hermetic Journal on CD-Rom

The Hermetic Journal was published between 1978 and 1992, a period
of 15 years, and had over 350 articles on alchemy, esoteric philosophy,
magic, kabbalah, symbolism and many other topics. Earlier this year I
decided to bind up the back issues as a series of 8 hardback books,
but this produced a very expensive edition which only a few people
could afford.

Over the past months I have scanned in all the pages of the journals as
image files and produced a CR-Rom edition. These are accessed using
a special viewer program I have written, so one can browse through the
exact images of the orginal pages. The viewer provides zooming,
bookmarks, a number of indexes to the articles, and can be configured
for different sized monitors. This viewer program will run under
Windows 3.x or Windows95, but not on a Macintosh. Unfortunately, people
with a Macintosh computer will not be able to use this program and there is
absolutely no point in their purchasing the CR-Rom as the image files are
not accessible on a Mac.

The Hermetic Journal CD-Rom is now on sale at a special reduced price
valid for the month of November only -

£45 UK pounds for air mail post worldwide
£43 UK pounds for U.K. and European addresses

After this the price will be increased.
Of course, reading the Hermetic Journal off of a computer screen will not
be as convenient as having a set of eight hardbound books, but at 1/8th of
the £360 pound price it is a bit of a bargain. The hardbound edition will
still be available in small batches of 10 copies at a time.

If this venture into CD-Rom publishing is successful I may in future be able
to produce a number of CD-Roms providing access to alchemical resources,
images and texts, that are at present only available to those who are able to
visit the few specialist libraries and special collections of alchemical material.

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Due to the massive number of hours I have had to devote over the past
weeks to preparing the Hermetic Journal on CD-Rom I have not had time
to prepare any further books, but I hope to be able to announce some new
titles in the next few months.

Best wishes,

Adam McLean