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Ferguson Manuscripts 151 - 200

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MS. 151.
160 pages. 167x106mm. 18th Century. In Italian.
Libro de secreti di Chimica.
[Contains instructions for making various varnishes and lacquers, alchemical recipes, and instructions for painting, and etching.]

MS. 152.
240 pages. 141x100mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
Mirabilia Mundi de secretis mulierum, et de virtutibus Herbarum Lapidum, et Animalium...
[This would appear to be a summary of Albertus Magnus, De secretis mulierum libellus, scholiis auctus, et a mendis repurgatus. Eiusdem de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, et animalium quorundam libellus. Item de mirabilibus mundi, Lugduni, 1566.]

MS. 153.
240 pages. 148x98mm. Early 16th Century. In Italian and Latin.
[On spine]: "IHS Maria. Alchimia de Fratre Guielmo."
f1-224v Incomenzia sadacina di tuta l'arte de alchimia composita da Fratre Guielmo Sadasense de Lordine de Fratri di Sancta Maria del Carmino Indigno...
[See Sedacinae totius artis alchimiae, mentioned in Thorndike, History of Magic and Experimental Science III, p. 628. Also see Singer No. 381.]
f224v-240 [Recipes in Latin and Italian.]
[Note on flyleaf]: "Coat of Arms of Borghese family."
[For full description see N.R. Ker, Medieval MSS in British Libraries, vol. 2 (1977) pp.892-3.]
[Phillips MS. 5712.]

MS. 154.
125 + 51 folios. 159x101mm. 18th Century. In French.
f1-125 Abraham Eleazar Abraham Juif, Prince, Prêtre, Astrologue et Philosophe à la Nation des Juifs repanduè dans toutes les Gaules par la colere de Dieu, Salut en Notre seigneur Jesus Christ. Livre des Figures Hyeroglyphiques avec l'explanation des Fables des Pöetes, des Misteres du Christianisme; de l'Alchymie, et de la Pharmacie suivant les nombres.
[Blank folios have been left for the illustrations but these have not been supplied. The text in French is the same as that of MS. Ferguson 17.]
[See also MSS.17 and 129.]
f1-51 [New numbering.] Emblemata et Epigrammata Michaelis Majeri.
[This is a copy of the Latin mottos and verses from Michael Maier, Atalanta Fugiens, Oppenheimii, 1618. It includes very crude copies in brown ink of the fifty engravings, which were apparently traced on thin paper and pasted in.]

MS. 155.
vi + 140 pages. (108-140 blank.) 160x98mm. 18th Century. In English.
Coronatio Naturae.
[An English translation of chapters 1-41 of the Coronatio Naturae, with titles only for chapters 42-67; a space is left at the head of each chapter for the illustration, though none are included. Illustrated copies are found in MSS Ferguson 8, 110, 208, 230, 237, 245, 253.]

MS. 156.
146 pages. 168x102mm. 18th Century. In English.
Paracelsus of the Supreme Mysteries of Nature, of the Spirits of the Planets Occult Philosophy. The Magical Sympathetical and Antipathetical Cure of Wounds and Diseases. the Mysteries of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac. Englished by R. Turner. 1769.
[The Turner translation was published in London in 1656.]

MS. 157.
145 pages. 160x98mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
[Zadith Senior filius Hamuel.] De Chemia senioris antiquissimi Philosophi, Libellus, ut Brevis ita artem discentibus, & exercentibus, utilissimus, & vere aureus, nunc primum in lucem aeditus. Ab Artis fideli filio.
[This work exists in a printed edition Strassburg, 1560.]

MS. 158.
444 pages. 210x158mm. 18th Century. In German.
[Treatise on chemistry.]
f1 a/w Daß die Chÿmie eine der nöthigsten und nützli[chsten] Wißenschafften seÿ, ist zwar vielen, aber einem jeden nicht recht bekant, wie solches bereits von meinem Herrn Collegen, dem Herrn D. Potten erwehnet worden. Denn wenn wir die Chymie nicht hätten, so könten wir nicht einmalh wie vernüfftige Menschen wohnen, sondern wir müsten den Thieren gleich in Hölen und Löchern, oder wenigsten, wie die wilden Menschen leben...

MS. 159.
480 pages. 158x102mm. 18th Century. In French.
p1 L'interruption du Someil Cabalistique ou Devoilement des Tableaux mystiques de l'Antiquité, contenant la Chrisologie chymique divisée en deux parties, dont la premiere devoile ce que les Anciens ont caché, & la seconde traite du germe de sa genealogie, et de la regeneration du Fils du Soleil tire du MS. De Lobiere. [In two books.]
p479-480 [Index of chapters.]
p456 [Pen drawing of distillation apparatus.]
[See MS. 30.]

MS. 160.
176 folios. 180x112mm. 18th Century. In French.
f1 Operations de divers Auteurs tant galenique que chymique.
[Medical recipes and notes on pharmaceutic preparations.]
f164 [Table of chemical symbols.]
f165-176 [Index.]

MS. 161.
x + 159 pages. 176x110mm. 18th Century. In French.
p i-x De la Voie Humide.
p1 Traité du Vitriol Philosophique, et de ses liqueurs Blanches et Rouge.
p4 Recepte de Ripleé.
p10 La Recepte de Dunstanus Archeuêque de Cantorberi.
p78 [Lullist diagram - heptagon in circle.]
p90 Maniere de Rogerius Bacon pour faire le mercure double. Abregé par Raimond Godefroid.
p111 Le Lion-Verd de Paracelse dans La Toison d'or Germanique. pag. 4.
p141 Quelques observations entraútres qu'on peut faire sur lesdites Receptes de Philosophes Adeptes.
p153 Autres Remarques utiles pour l'intelligence des Auteurs.

MS. 162.
56 folios of which 23 are blank. 205x163mm. 18th Century. In German.
f1 Recept, ein weises Licht zu machen...
[A book of receipts.]

MS. 163.
9 folios + 158 numbered pages + 20 numbered pages bound in reverse. 176x137mm. 17th Century. In English.
p1 The copie of a Letter sent me by the late Madame Martin Viel which was found after her death.
p35. The Work of Neptis communicated to Quercitanus.
p57 Quercitan's daughters letter.
p92 To turn into [At end p94 ]: "This I tooke out of Mr Wilmots Manuscript the refiner."
p97 Alexander van Suchtens work of the secrets of [...] translated out of high Dutch by Dr Child.
p110 A Dark and Misticall worke betwixt the master and his Servant.
p114 Ovidius to make good Ceruse.
p116 The Questions and demands of the Archbishop of Reanes. With the Answers of Guilliam De Cenes.
[At end p135]: "This art or most secret science was accomplished done and ended at Reanes a myle beside Paris the Fryday being in the yeare of our Lord God 1216. And had thus in communication with ye said Reverend Father the Bishop of Reynes by the said Mr William Cenes."
p136 The Gentlewomans Work in York.
p138 The Secrets of Alkemy is this.
[The sections at the beginning and end bound in reverse have notes on alchemical substances and processes.]
[With index on the penultimate folio.]

MS. 164.
xviii + 169 folios + 16 loose folios. 212x140mm. 18th Century. In Italian.
p i Indice di quanto si contiene ne [...] libro.
p xviii 1771 J.M.T.A.L.H. Libretto di alcune ricette Medicinale di Frà Antonio da Gamarata infermiere cappuccino della Provincia di Milano dottore e cerusico...
p22 Libretto di diverse vernici, segreti, tinture inchiostre (sic) ed altre cose raccolte da me Dom[eni]co Ant[oni]o Viceré.
[Notebook of D.A. Vicerè with medical and other recipes, and notes from works by Pietro Rossi, Antonio da Gamarata, Pope Innocent XI, Isabella of Hungary, Pietro d'Ascoli, and other authors.]
[16 folios previously inserted in the manuscript, consisting of notes and a number of letters.]

MS. 165.
xviii + 57 folios. 221x174mm. 19th Century. In English.
Course of chemistry, by John Francis Vigani of Verona, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Cambridge.
[On f ix]: "The following is a copy in the original spelling, line for line and page for page, of a manuscript set of Vigani's lectures on Chemistry in the University Library Cambridge, pressmark DD. 12. 53."
[Ferguson thought the date of this manuscript was about 1700.]
[See also MSS. 62, 197 and 335.]

MS. 166.
58 folios. 197x135mm. 18th Century. In French.
La Moèlle des philosophes chimistes pour servir en partie de réponse aux objections qu'un Auteur Moderne a fait contre le grand art de la Chimie. Ouvrage divise en deux partie, par Mons Colonne.
[Bookplate of the Duke of Sussex.]

MS. 167.
3 folios + 75 pages in first volume + pages 85-89 + 3 folios in second volume. 190x151mm. 18th Century. In French and Latin.
A Book of making Artificial Stones and several other curiosities, experiments and receipts.
[The second volume is inserted at the end of the first.]

MS. 168.
vi + 318 + vi pages lacking pages 257 and 258, with 24 folios inserted between pages 264 and 265. 268x198mm. Early 17th Century. In Italian.
Estratto del Libro segniato A : di Prete Antonio Neri De Ricette che farmo aproposito per l'ingrediente et manipulatione a ritrovamenti della ricetta del Donum Dei, et del Amirabile...
[Descriptions of chemical preparations and experiments in sections A-F.]

MS. 169.
iv + 142 pages + 85 folios. 273x200mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
p i-iii [Index.]
p1 Declinationem planetarum accipere, et ex Declinatione longitudine in Eccliptica. Canon Ps. pag. 77. Tabula Declinatiorum continet sex signa in fronte, et sex ad calcem,...
[Treatise on Astrology, with example horoscopes, tables of the planets and astrological signs plus logarithmic tables to aid in computation of horoscopes.]

MS. 170.
200 pages. 237x180mm. 18th Century. In French.
p1 Calid fils de Jesid. Preface J'apelle ce mien livre le Secres d'Alchimie...
p4 Des Quatre Magisteres de L'ars, à savoìr Solution, Congelation, Albification et Rubification.
[At end p39]: "Fin des Secretes de Calid fils de Joesid".
[For Kalid ben Jesid, see Ferguson I, p 449.]
p40-198 La Toison d'Or.
[With the twenty two figures of the 'Splendor Solis' series, copied from the printed engravings, in poorly executed pen and wash drawings pasted into the text, most on a separate folio.]
[See Salomon Trismosin, La toyson d'or ou la fleur des thresors, Paris 1612.]

MS. 171.
28 folios. 230x170mm. 19th Century. In English.
Edmund Goldsmid
Witchcraft, Witches and Wizards.
[Notes for a lecture c. 1880.]

MS. 172.
112 folios + 33 blank folios. 230x182mm. 18th Century. In English.
[A treatise on recognisably modern chemistry rather than alchemy. Makes reference to atomic theory. Transitional work between alchemy and chemistry, deals particularly with acids and alkalis, but uses in places a few alchemical terms such as "menstruum'.]

MS. 173, 174.
570 pages in 2 volumes. 250x196mm. 18th Century. In English.
[Lectures on the elements of chemistry by Joseph Black.]
[These volumes contain the text of the complete course of 118 lectures delivered by Black as Professor of Chemistry at Edinburgh University. The first lecture is dated May '76.]
[See also MS. Ferguson 40,41.]

MS. 175.
17+72 folios. 229x181mm. 18th Century. In French.
f2-17 [First part] La Pierre Philosophale. Cecy est tire de la Preface de la Biblioteque des Philosophes Chimique. Nouvelle edition andre Cuillian place de Sorbonne au Cain de la rue des macons a St Andre 1760 aux Privilege du Roy.
f1-72 [Second part inserted at end.] 2 de Cahier. Sur la Pierre Philosophale apparently there is a first part. [This added in later hand.]
[Bookplate of F.G. Irwin "No.25".]
[MSS. 175-178 are in the same hand and bindings.]
[See MS. 254.]

MS. 176.
27 folios. 223x155mm. 18th Century. In French.
p1-2 Art I Regule d'antimoine Etiolé.
[At end f2]: "Ce article en extrait de la Chimie Experimentale ex raisonne de premiere edition 1774".
p3-4 Art II Regule d'antimonie.
[On f3]: "Du Jacque Tol dans la brochur du Ciel chimique imprime a Amsterdam en 7bre 1680."
p5-18 Art III Regule martial Etoilé de Philalethes.
p19-35 Art IIII Regule auraire de pentaleon.
[7 folios of notes pasted in at end of notebook.]
[Bookplate of F.G. Irwin "No.30".]
[MSS. 175-178 are in the same hand and bindings.]

MS. 177.
25 folios. 227x167mm. 18th Century. In French.
Table pour la Metallurgie du MSS en parchemin.
[Text in 366 numbered paragraphs.]
[On cover]: "Table du M.S. Deo."
[Bookplate of F.G. Irwin "No.28".]
[MSS. 175-178 are in the same hand and bindings.]

MS. 178.
6 folios. 213x173mm. 18th Century. In French.
Artephius, ancien Philosophe.
[Notes from and an interpretation of, the first chapter from an unidentifed book.]
[Bookplate of F.G. Irwin "No.4".]
[MSS. 175-178 are in the same hand and bindings.]

MS. 179.
11 folios. 166x110mm. 16th Century. In Latin.
[Unidentified tract on Alchemy.]
[Begins]: "De spiritibus et medicinis pertinentibus ad istam artem ..."
[A few rough drawings of flasks in margins.]
[MSS. 179-183 in same hand and similar bindings.]

MS. 180.
5 folios + 8 blank folios. 163x109mm. 16th Century. In Italian.
[Unidentified tract on Alchemy.]
[Begins]: "Arzeto sublimato se revolve ita thel sia come cristalo et la ultima volta sublima ..."
[Dated at top of f1v]: "1529."
[MSS. 179-183 in same hand and similar bindings.]

MS. 181.
18 folios. 106x110mm. 16th Century. In Latin.
f1 Secreta Alchimie verissima et experimenta probata.
f2v Incipit tractatus fratris [Eliae d'Almania Opus] opere merchurij completus et perfectum...
[Thorndike, History of Magic and Experimental Science III, 347.]
[MSS. 179-183 in same hand and similar bindings.]

MS. 182.
18 folios. 166x110mm. 16th Century. In Latin.
Habitis doctrinis de subtilibus Restat nunc videre de substantia ignis.
[Some rough drawings of flasks and furnaces in margins.]
[MSS. 179-183 in same hand and similar bindings.]

MS. 183.
23 folios. 108x78mm. 16th Century. In Latin.
[Fragment of unidentified treatises on Alchemy.]
[Begins with folios originally numbered "14".]
[At bottom of f8]: "Opus Philosophicum ex Raimundo Lullo."
f8v [Drawing of double pelican distillation apparatus.]
f23v [Drawing of two flasks, one inverted with its neck inside the neck of the lower one.]
[MSS. 179-183 in same hand and similar bindings.]

MS. 184.
284 folios. 205x144mm. 17th Century. In Spanish.
f1-266 Primero Tratado De extractiones chimicas de los minerales vegetales y Animales.
f267-278 [Index.]
f279-284 Tratado 2° de la piedra de los philosophos por Juan de las nioro discipulo de Arte.

MS. 185.
145 pages. 193x125mm. 18th Century. In French.
p1 Traité Du ciel Terrestre de Wencelas Lavinius De Moravie. Copié sur la Biblio. Chym. de Salomon etc. Tom. 1. p232. etc.
[See S., Sieur, Bibliotheque des Philosophes chymiques... Paris, 1678.]
p7 Le Livre de Philalethe Ou l'Entrée ouverte du palais fermé du roi. Par le Sieur Salomon Docteur en Medicine, auteur de la Biblioteque Chymique traduite parlui sur L'Exemplaire imprimé à Amsterdam en 1667. Sur l'Edition de Hambourg par M. Langine.
p119 Table ou liste des terme de l'art et des ancienne motre que setreuvent dans au Tom I.
[On flyleaf]: "Transcrit sur l'Imprimé par le Seur Colliette de Froqueville 1792."
[See also MSS. 186, 187, 188, 200 and 201.]
[MSS. 185-8 are in the same type of binding.]

MS. 186.
137 + 5 pages. 193x128mm. 18th Century. In French.
Recueil de Secrets et recettes pour quantite de choses utiles et agréables.
[5 pages of tables of weights and measures.]
[On flyleaf]: "Receuille par le S. Colliette de Froqueville en 1790."
[See also MSS. 185, 187, 188, 200 and 201.]
[MSS. 185-8 are in the same type of binding.]

MS. 187.
156 pages. 197x127mm. 18th Century. In French.
Bibliothèque des Philosophes (chimiques) ou recueil des oeuvres des auteurs les plus approuvés, qui ont écrit de la Pierre Philosophale, par Sieur Salomon, Docteur en Medicin...Paris 1673.
[On flyleaf]: "Transcrit sur l'Imprimé par le seur Colliette de Froqueville Anné 1792."
[See also MSS. 185, 186, 188, 200 and 201.]
[MSS. 185-8 are in the same type of binding.]

MS. 188.
146 pages. 193x125mm. 18th Century. In French.
p1 La Table d'Emeraude de Hermes Trismegiste Pere de la Philosophie. I Traite du Tome de la Bibliotéque Chimique par le S[ieur] Salomon Dr le Medicine. Edit. de Paris de 1683.
p2 Explication de la Table d'Emeraude, par Hortulain.
p17 La Tourbe de Philosophes ou l'assemblée de disciple de Pytagoraie appelleé le [...] de verité.
[See Jean Maugin de Richebourg, Bibliotheque des Philosophes chimiques, 1740.]
p73 Le Livre de Nicolas Flamel contenant l'Explication de figures hiéroglyphiques. (3 traité du Tom 1. de la Bibliothéque Chimique.)
[On flyleaf]: "Transcrit sur l'Imprime par le Seur Colliette de Froqueville Aine 1792."
[See also MSS. 185, 186, 187, 200 and 201.]
[MSS. 185-8 are in the same type of binding.]

MS. 189.
409 pages. 210x164mm. 18th Century. In German.
p1-405 Lectio Prima Cursus Secundi Domini Professoris Neumanni.
p406-410 [Index.]
[Lectures on the Vegetable, Mineral and Animal Kingdom by Caspar Neumann dated 1726-27 on various folios.]

MS. 190.
32 folios. 186x150mm. 18th Century. In Latin and English.
[At top of p1]: "Ex Petro Bonus."
[Collections from Petrus Bonus.]
[Fragment of text in Latin with parallel translation on facing pages into English of first three folios. The translation is incomplete though space has been left on blank facing pages for the English.]

MS. 191.
42 + 6 + 4 folios. 207x147mm. 17th Century. In English, with verse in Latin.
[Thomas Norton The Ordinall of Alchimy.]
[On f1]: "Roger Arundell."
f 1v [Verse in Latin.]
f2 [Text in English of the Ordinall of Alchemy.]
[6 very fine miniatures in watercolours with gold ink, on vellum inserted into the volume after folios 3, 10, 17, 20, 36 and 40.]

MS. 192.
76 folios. 177x82mm. 15th Century. In Latin.
[Works of Ramon Lull.]
f1 De investigacione artis Secreti occulta super totum opus maius in compendio.
f8r [Lullist 'tree' diagram.]
f11 Praxis Lapidum virtuosorum seu pretiosorum.
f19v Incipit tractatus margaritarum. Opus namque margaritarum sic condies.
f28 Compendium artis magicae transmutationis metallorum Raimundi.
[Compendium super lapidarium — Thorndike-Kibre 1016.]
f52 De Tinctis Albis et Rub.
[Some alchemical symbols.]
f57-65 Hic ponentur alique glose invente que fuerunt per volumina Raymondi lulii super certis capitulis.
f69-73 [Notes.]
[On inside front cover]: "Phillips Manuscript 2674."
[On inside back cover]: "Mr Voynich."
[On spine]: "Raimund Ars occulta MS."
[MSS. 63, 76, 135 and 192 are four uniform alchemical notebooks probably once bound together, written by a north Italian scribe identified in MS. 76 as "John Visio".]
[For full description see N.R. Ker, Medieval MSS in British Libraries, vol. 2 (1977) pp.893-4.]

MS. 193.
174 folios. 206x157mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
f1-36 [Numbered as p1-67] Furnus Primus Philosophicus Glauberi et ratio parandorum spirituum oleorum et florum illius beneficio.
f 37-44 [Numbered as p1-17] De tinctura Auri sive Auro Potabile Joh. Rud. Glauberi.
f38-91 [Numbered as pages 1-96] Praeparatio furni secundi.
f92-121 [Numbered as pages 1-53] Pars Tertia Furnorum philosophicorum Johannis Rudolfi Glauberii.
f122-161 [Numbered as pages 1-77] Pars Quarta Furnorum Philosophicorum Johan Rudolphi Glauberi.
f162-174 [Blank.]
[See Johann Rudolf Glauber, Furni novi Philosophici oder Beschreibung einer newerfundenen Distillir-Kunst. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1652.]

MS. 194.
66 pages. 200x155mm. 17th Century. In French.
p1 Livre du Phe Jacob Taisson orfeure natif D'honfleur.

MS. 195.
27 folios. 209x160mm. 17th Century. In English.
[Weekly list of prescriptions, from 9 October 1668 to 22 August 1669.]

MS. 196.
39 pages + 3 pages index. 217x176mm. 17th Century. In English.
A glase to them that bee of understandinge, and to the unwise, Foolishnes. The first parte doeth containe the true composition of the twoe Elixirs to the white and alsoe redd; The seconde parte doeth containe the waie of the makinge of the greate redd stone of the philosophers, and also of the white stone called Lunaria.
Written by an Alderman of Parris to his sonne at his departure out of this worlde in anno 1432, by John Sammer.

MS. 197.
249 + 17 pages. 203x168mm. 18th Century. In Latin.
In Medullam Chimiae Vigani Notae Jo Andr Stisseri MD. et D. Helmst.
[With 17 page index.]
[See Giovanni Francesco Vigani, Medulla Chemiae, Gedani, 1682 and various other editions 1685-1718.]
[See MS. 335. Other works by Vigani in MSS. 62 and 165.]

MS. 198.
50 folios. 143x88mm. 17th Century. In English.
An Abstract of the Work of Hermes.
[On flyleaf]: "This was from Lord Stafford Collection".
f4 [Address to "Right Ho:ble and my gratious Lord". ]
f5-6 [Tabular summary of alchemical process.]
[At bottom]: "The several parts of this table shall be further explained by the following short notes or discourses, wch shall have relation to the table by a correspondence of numbers."
f7 [41 paragraphs describing in clear language the elements and processes of alchemy.]
f29 [Practical instruction in alchemical work with metals in 12 chapters.]
f46 Materials and Utensils necessary in this worke.
[List with alchemical symbols.]
f48 Alchymie or the Excellencie and highest perfection of that art.
[This section is incomplete breaking off after only 3 folios and the rest of this manuscript is missing.]

MS. 199.
104 pages. 190x145mm. 17th Century. In English.
[Notebook of Francis Webb.]
p1 Concerning the Philosophers Stone from Mr Blunden.
p2 A treatise of the most great Lord and Philosopher Dunstone Bishopp of Canterbury of ye Philosophers Stone.
p17 To make of Antimony, a gold yeollow oyle whereby all kind of diseases may be cured.
[At bottom]: "Translated out of high Dutch, from Mr Blunden."
p19 The epitomie of the treasure of health written by Edward Generosus Anglicus in nominatus qui vixit Anno Domini 1562. [Verse.]
[See Bodleian Libray MS. Ashmole 1419, item 3].
p72 Manna. Certaine notes taken out of a manuscript called Manna.
[At end ]: "Written out of Dr Everards book of Fullam, the 25th of Aprill 1651."
[See Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1440.]
[See MS. 9.]
p79 Out of Zacharias. [i.e. Denis Zacaire.]
p84 [Recipes.]

MS. 200.
2 + 148 pages. 162x105mm. 18th Century. In French.
Le Naturaliste éxpert et moderne, ou Recueil de précieux et rares Secrets, Recettes et Remedes, tirés de l'histoire naturelle de Pline, ed. de 1622.
p1 1ere Partie
p49 2e Partie
p87 3e Partie.
p137 Table des matieres de ce livre.
[Medical recipes.]
[On first leaf]: "Recueilli par le Sieur Colliette de Froqueville en 1789."
[See also MSS. 185, 186, 187, 188 and 201.]