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Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Gallery Twenty Eight
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A217.Frontispiece engraving from Der curieusen Kunst- und Werck-Schul, Nurnberg, 1696.

A218.Woodcut from Toeltius Coelum reseratum chymicum... Frankfurt, 1737.

A219.Frontispiece from Kenelm Digby, Demonstratio immortalitatis animae rationalis, Frankfurt 1664.

A220.Engraved frontispiece Falscher und wahrer Lapis Philosophorum, Frankfurt, 1752.


A222.Engraving on titlepage of Hiebner von Schneebergk Mysterium Sigillorum, Erfurt, 1696.

A223.Engraving from titlepage Robert Fludd, Utriusque cosmi historia, Tome II, Oppenheim 1620.

A224.Woodcut title page from Hieronymus Braunschweig, Distilierbuch der rechten Kunst, 1552.

All these images are copyright © Adam McLean 2004. These are available for sale as coloured prints from the alchemy web bookstore .